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Why join CEC?

Everyone plays a role; join CEC today!

In the past, many people have wanted a voice in the types of energy that are used in their communities. Unfortunately, economic, access, geographic and energy use levels may have made it impossible to take advantage of clean energy technologies.  By joining together in a cooperative effort, our members are empowered with the economic leverage to reshape the energy landscape within our state. By becoming a member, individuals and businesses have the power to take action, and go about instituting energy change in communities throughout our state.

How will this affect the environment?

Every week it seems that we hear a story about the negative effects of air and water pollution.  Whether it concerns global warming, mercury levels in fish, or the proposed building of new coal-fired power plants, there did not seem to be the resources available for the average Wisconsin resident to advocate for the production of renewable energy, until now.  CECs' renewable energy systems prevent further pollution and help to clean up Wisconsin's water and air.  A solar hot water system that had 2,300 square feet of collector area would reduce the following amounts of air pollution each year:

Pollution Reduction Bases On A 2,300 Square Foot System
Type of Pollution
Amount of Reduction Per Year
Greenhouse Gases (CO2)
76,980 Pounds
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
99 Pounds
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
16 Pounds

Becoming Profitable

Our members have come together with the clear belief that prices for fossil fuels will be rising much faster than the installation costs for renewable energy systems. This belief was quantified in the Wisconsin Energy Statistics Report of 2006, which stated that natural gas prices for residential customers increased 30.5% in 2005. The Co-op's energy price to the end user/member is based on the price for fossil fuels, as the costumer pays more for energy the production cost for renewable energy remains the same or becomes nonexistent.  Members investing in energy production will see a return on their investment as the price being paid for the renewable energy produced is higher then the amount being paid to produce the renewable energy.  In addition, when the system has paid for itself in energy sales all the money collected is returned to the investing member in the form a annual patronage dividends.

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