The closure of Solar Mining in January 2007 made 2007 a bad year for CEC.
These backup web pages come from 2006, before the bad times.
(Not all the News and Events files are included in this copy.)
A PDF copy of the last CEC newsletter, Fall 2006, is available here.
Also available are image scans of the Annual Reports for 2005 and 2006.
For 2008 information about CEC follow this link.
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Bringing renewable energy to your community

Citizens Energy Cooperative (CEC) is a renewable energy cooperative whose mission is to provide the people of Wisconsin with the opportunity to take an active role in producing and using clean energy.  There are myriad of benefits to such a venture, not the least of which is an immediate reduction in the creation of harmful Greenhouse gases, which is currently a global epidemic.  On a local level, the communities where members live and work will enjoy cleaner water, soil, and air.  The adverse physical and psychological effects of pollution cannot be ignored.  We at the CEC are committed to providing sustainable, locally produced energy solutions to help resolve this dilemma.  Additional benefits to joining the cooperative as a member include the following:

  • Offset non-renewable energy use and become carbon neutral.
  • Accelerate the use of renewable energy systems in our communities.
  • Have a solar thermal system installed at your home.
  • Improve the air and water quality of local communities.
  • Promote local job growth and the purchase of other goods and services within the state.
  • Diversify the energy mixture of your community.
  • Provide alternatives to energy supplied by the existing infrastructure.
  • Profit financially from your patronage.

Through your participation, CEC contracts to have solar water and space heating systems installed on various community owned sites and private facilities within the state. Your participation in CEC will help deliver renewable energy that will directly reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, wherever the installation site is located within the state of Wisconsin.

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